- 1 -

Find your card

Locate the card you are ready to practice and place it on your music stand.

JAZZ DECK, www.jazzdeck.com

 - 2 -

Turn it over 

On your instrument, explore musical ideas playing the color-coded notes.

JAZZ DECK, www.jazzdeck.com

 - 3 -

Line 'em up 

Line up your cards side by side as you work through sections in each song.


  • Are you nervous about an upcoming solo in jazz band?
  • Do you have an audition that requires an improvised solo?
  • Do you open the Real Book and think, "What  am I supposed to play"?
  • Do you wish you could solo on the chord changes and sound great?
  • Wouldn't it be awesome to sound great and learn theory while you play?
  • Have you been excited to attend an improvisation workshop only to leave totally confused?

JazzDeck™ is your answer...


  • Do you avoid teaching improvisation because it takes away from rehearsal time?
  • Rather than transposing an elaborate description of "what to play when" -- for each instrument -- over every chord, arm your students with JazzDeck™ and try the following: "Class, find the card that matches the chord above measure one and turn it over.  Solo using the color-coded notes."
  • Each JazzDeck™ includes teaching cards that illustrate an approach that students can use to interpret the chord changes for themselves.  

JazzDeck™ in your classroom...


  • Have you always wanted to play jazz but were intimidated by the chord changes?
  • Do you have a strong foundation in classical music and have always wanted to learn how to play jazz?
  • Are you a proficient guitar player who gave up on jazz when it came time to read music or address concepts that just aren't covered in tab?
  • Have you purchased a number of  jazz theory books and not made it past page 10 in any of them?

JazzDeck™ is designed for you...

Click image to play video demonstration